jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

FCE May 31st

We finished unit 5 of the coursebook. Speaking part: showing uncertainty. Unit 5 exam maximiser. Next class progress test units 1-5 Links to improve writing part: http://www.llas.ac.uk/materialsbank/mb061/8.11/19a.htm http://www.llas.ac.uk/materialsbank/mb061/8.11/19b.htm http://www.uefap.com/reading/underst/refer/refer.htm

4th year May 30th

We worked on past tenses. We listened to the song "You're beautiful" by James Blunt. Completion of the song. Separate the lines of the song into PAST - PRESENT - FUTURE HOMEWORK: Page 107 (Language builder)

Preadolescents 1 May 30th

Unit 9: cities and capitals. We read three different types of texts and we described the differences (letter - email - postcard) We finished unit 9 of the student's book Homework: write about your city and include photos. Unit 9 (activity book)

martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 28th

Unit 2C: Correction of homework (put the stories in chronological order) We worked on the use of BEFORE /AFTER + GERUND and past tenses (Past simple- past perfect simple) We started writing a story together. Melina has to continue the story at home. Homework: uni1t 2C (Language builder)+ extra copies on the use of past perfect. Links to practise: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/past-perfect-simple/exercises http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/past_perfect_simple_past.htm http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/pastperfect/exercise1.html

Pre-adolescents 1 May 28th

We finished unit 8 (student's book)and we read the fruits descriptions. Homework: unit 8 (activity book)

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 23rd

Correction of homework. Extra copies on the use of past simple vs past progressive. Unit 2C: Past perfect Homework: Write in chronological order all the events that take place in each of the stories of unit 2C of the Student's book.

Pre-adolescents 1 May 23rd

Correction of homework. Unit 8: Fruits!!!!!! We worked with dictionaries and we made a list of fruits in the singular and plural form. Homework: Think about a fruit and describe it! Now... Guess my fruit!!! It has got a brown-green skin (piel) and bright green flesh (pulpa). It has got small, black seeds (semillas).The fruit has a soft texture (textura) and a sweet flavour (gusto) What is it???

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

FCE May 22nd

Correction of homework. Unit 5: Vocabulary related to publicity Reading part. Working on vocabulary. Test on unit 4. Planning the next writing: opinion essay. Thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of consumer society. (check links in the other post) Homework:Page 58, 59 (coursebook)

Opinion essay for FCE!

People, Here I include some links for you to write an opinion essay! Have a look at them! http://www.greatsource.com/iwrite/students/s_opin.html http://daria-przybyla.suite101.com/how-to-write-an-opinion-essay-a104337 http://es.scribd.com/doc/16097993/Vocabulary-for-IELTS-Essays

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

Pre-adolescents 1 May 21st

We finished unit 7 We worked on personal pronouns, possessive adjectives, countries and nationalities. Extra practice on these topics. Homework: Extra worksheet Links to practise countries and nationalities: http://www.madridteacher.com/Activities/CountriesNationalitiesjb.htm http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=4925 Link to practsise possessive adjectives!!! http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/pronouns/exercises?03 Good luck!!!

4th year May 21st

We finished unit 2B Past forms (past simple and continuous) / when - while - as Homework; Finish page 106 (Language builder. Write the second draft of the article about clothes. Links to practise: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=734 http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpas-paspro http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpas-paspro/exercises?ex03 Likn to practise phrasal verb with "up" (be careful because there might be some which we haven't seen this time but I'm sure you know them!!!) http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/phrasal-verbs/exercises Good Luck!

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

FCE May 19th

Test on unit 3 We finished unit 4! So be prepared for the test next class! Unit 5: Vocabulary: publicity We worked on argumentative essays. For next class bring the first draft for an opinion essay. Extra copies on essays. Homework: page 58,59 (coursebook) and pages 39-43 (Exam maximiser)

Pre-adolescents 2 May 18th

Students showed their posters on "sports" and we did the activities proposed by them. Unit 6: genitive case and possessive pronouns Homework: act 6 page 15 (student's book) Unit 6 (activity book)

7th year May 17th

We started reading "The Companion". Introduction and first part analysis. Finish reading it at home.
Unit 3A Coursebook.
Homework: page 38 and 39 coursebook (reading part)

FCE May 17th

We finished unit 4!!!
We worked on future forms
Homework: extra copies on future forms

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 16th

Correction of homework.
Unit 2B: Past tenses (past simple and continuous)
Homework: Finish unit 2B (student's book)
Write a biography about your favourite actor (page 134)
Invent 3 dialogues for different situations using the phrases of unit 2A

Pre-adolescents 1 May 16th

We played BINGO!!!! with countries and nationalities.
Unit 7: a/an- everyday objects
Homework: unit 7 (activity book). Extra homework (countries and nationalities)

7th year May 15th

We finished unit 2B
Homework: page 19. Read the 1st story "The Companion"

FCE May 15th

We did test on unit 3
Correction of homework
We finished unit 4 (coursebook). Topic: countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers, future forms.
For next class finish pages 49-53

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 14th

Unit 2A: Past simple
Uses of the prepositions FOR and DURING
Homework: unit 2A (Language booster)

Pre-adolescents 1 May 14th

Unit 6: countries and nationalities. Terminamos la unidad 6 (student's book)
Hicimos las actividaes 1 y 2 del activity book.
Homework: teminar la unidad 6 del activity book.

sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

FCE May 12th

Unit 4: countable and uncountable nouns, future forms.
Vocabulary: body and health.
Homework: pages51,52,53 (coursebook)
Exam 4
Re-write compositions.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Pre-adolescents 2 May 11th

Prueba unidades 1 a 5!!!! (deportes, verbos de preferencia, presente simple) Excelentes notas chicos!!!!
Corregimos la tarea y comenzamos a leer "The Canterville Ghost" by Oscar Wilde.
Trabajamos sobre predicciones. Leímos la introducción y la contratapa del libro. Chequeamos predicciones.
Tarea: realizar un poster sobre el deporte favorito y preparar actividades para la clase

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 9th

Assignment 1st unit
Correction of homework.
1st draft of the article "the factors that influence my choice of clothes"
Homework: write the 1st draft

Pre-adolescents 1 May 9th

Test units 1-5
Unit 6: countries and nationalities.
Homework: estudiar países y nacionalidades para hacer un juego el lunes!!!!

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 8th

Correction of homework
Unit 1D: Reading an article. Comprehension questions.
Homework: unit 1D (Language builder)

Pre-adolescents I May 8th

Países y nacionalidades.
Pronombres personales (I,you, he, she, it, we, they) y adjetivos posesivos (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
Realizamos actividades de revisión para la prueba del miércoles (unidades 1 a 5)
Tarea: actividades extras en la carpeta.

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Pre-adolescents 2 May 4th

Correction of homework.
Unit 4: sports. Verbs of preference (like, enjoy, prefer, love, hate, don't like, etc)
Studnt's book and activity book complete!!!!!!
Unit 5: revision! (student's book)
HOMEWORK:  unit 5 (activity book)

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

4th year May 2nd

We listened to the song "haven't met you yet" and completed the blanks using present perfect.
Unit 1c: Comparison of adjectives and adverbs with intensifiers (a bit, much, a lot, etc)
Act. 4,7 and 7 (student's book)
Unit 1c (language builder)

Preadolescents 1 May 2nd

Le cantamos el "Happy birthday" a nuestra compañera Clarita!
Hicimos toda la unidad 4 del activity book.
Tarea: pág 12 (student's book) Página 10 and 11 (activity book)
¡A estudiar para la prueba del miercoles 09/05!!! (unidades 1 a 5)