miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

2nd year March 27th

Unit 1A -Greetings -Recalling vocabulary: family members; countries and nationalities. HOMEWORK: Activity 9 (Student's book) EXTRA PRACTICE: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2122 http://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/elementary/b_vocabulary/bank02/vocabulary02_01?cc=ar&selLanguage=en http://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/elementary/b_vocabulary/bank02/vocabulary02_02?cc=ar&selLanguage=en HAPPY EASTER!!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. I actually went well luciano sellecchia

  2. me went very well teacher in the exercises ( ignacio frieyro)

  3. Very good Lu!!!
    Nacho, I'm glad you went well!!!
